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What do we do?
We're experts in utilities with years of experience in the UK energy and telecom market. Being home based consultants we provide a personal service: we’re not just an anonymous corporation. You can be assured that we are not employed by any one energy supplier and we deal with hundreds of suppliers and tariffs everyday. With the current energy market in chaos and energy prices at an all time high, you can trust us to reduce your overheads using cutting edge pricing software. Our switching service and advice is FREE. Being home based we have smaller overheads. In real terms that means we can pass the savings to you as lower prices per ‘unit’ compared to the big comparison sites.
We compare the lowest business prices and advise you accordingly.
Enter a few simple details in a form and we will compare the market for you, then reply with a range of offers. These are tariffs that you can fix for 1 -5 years. So whatever the market does, you know you’re protected. Even with prices rising due to international supply shortages, it pays to lock in a lower price now, rather than a higher price later.
We put our money where our mouth is..if you're offered a cheaper price within 24 hours of ordering from us we'll refund the difference.
The average home energy saving in the last four weeks was £355 a year & the average business energy or mains water saving: £796.
So compare and save money today by clicking on a utility above.